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Chinese Manufacturing for Inventors


NEW SERVICE FOR INVENTORS:  Snoopit Imports procures product directly from factories in China for US based companies.  We typically procure product for established companies looking to reduce their cost of goods.  Understanding the need for companies with new products to realize the savings by manufacturing in China as well, we now offer a start-up service for Inventors that desire to manufacture their product in China. 

Snoopit Imports Inventor service includes:

    • Initial client consultation.
    • Sourcing a reputable factory in China.
    • Factory inspection by a Snoopit Imports employee in China.
    • Securing a factory price quote for the Inventors product.
    • Securing a factory commitment to produce the Inventors product.
    • Facilitating samples based on the Inventors design & specifications.

      • sample cost not included although generally a minimal cost.
    • Product quality inspection by a Snoopit Imports employee in China.
    • Negotiation with the factory:

      • price
      • quantities
      • schedule
      • contracts
      • delivery
    • Assisting with product packaging recommendations.
    • Securing non-disclosure agreements with the factory.
    • Suggesting product modifications to reduce production costs if applicable.
    • Handling tariff classification, facilitate customs and overseas shipping.

Snoopit Imports works closely with our new clients and handles the entire start up production process for the inventor. 

ADDITIONAL BENEFITS (no additional fee to Snoopit Imports):  

1).     Snoopit Imports maintains relationships with QVC agents and DRTV companies (Direct Response Television ~ 30 second commercials & 30 minute infomercials).  If your product is an applicable consumer product, Snoopit can submit your product on your behalf (with your prior authorization). 

2).     Snoopit Imports can assist in setting up a telemarketing campaign if your product is applicable. We utilize a 3rd party telemarketing operation that is very cost effective for most products sold via phone. Hourly rates start @ $ 12 per hour.  Snoopit does not get involved in your telemarketing campaign, we simply put you in direct contact with this company.

3).     Snoopit Imports can assist with locating a professional website designer.  Snoopit Imports uses two to three web design companies that create professional websites that are very reasonably priced.  Web sites can range from $250 and up.  Snoopit does not get involved in your website design, we simply put you in direct contact with these companies.

4).     Snoopit Imports utilizes 3rd party search engine optimization (SEO) companies that have a successful track record and are priced very competitively. SEO is critical in getting the word out about your product and generating traffic to your website that potentially generates revenue.  Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or unpaid organic algorithmic search results.  Snoopit does not get involved in your SEO, we simply put you in direct contact with these companies.

Relationships with these companies can be critical to a product introduction and success.

INVENTOR Service Fee:  $2500.  This fee is for NEW inventions (not for established products or companies) and is a one time fee that is refunded to the Inventor on their initial production order.  Snoopit refunds this fee on the initial production order because our goal is to handle the production for the life cycle of the product.  The initial fee for Inventors is to ensure Snoopit Imports is compensated for the many hours of work we will provide on behalf of our new client in the event the client does not end up producing the product.  There is no obligation on the clients part to proceed with the initial production order nor is the client obligated to use Snoopit Imports to handle future production.  We believe the fee to be fair compensation given we have little control over whether the product is produced as this is entirely up to the client.  Our guarantee is that our client will have a high quality, professionally produced product that they can ultimately bring to market.  Call 407-745-0288 x 4 with any questions or to get your product started today.

This inventor service applies to new inventions only that do not currently produce a product or actively sell their product in the market.  This service is not for established products or companies seeking to produce their product in China. There is no fee for Snoopits services for established products and companies.  If you are an established company seeking Snoopit Imports services, please visit for our no fee services.  Thank you.